Use Cases
wSign Applications for Internal Approvals
Many internal documents need to be sig- ned by different parties within a company every day, such as production plans, consents, and communications. A task that often generates bottlenecks, delays, and disruption to corporate activities.
wSign e-Signature platform plays a key role in the streamlining of such processes, speeding up every step and, improving the overall signature experience for every signatory involved in the process.

eSignworld S.R.L single shareholder – Share capital € 100,000.00 fully paid up
Company subject to the direction and coordination of Euronovate SA – Via Penate 4 – 6850 Mendrisio (Switzerland)
Registered office: – Via della Previdenza Sociale, 13 – 42124 REGGIO EMILIA (RE) Offices: Via Giacinto Longhin, 71 – PADUA (PD)
Tax code, VAT number and registration in the Reggio Emilia Business Register 02680100357 – REA: RE – 303784 · +39 04968 92032